Yes! You can create a free account and experiment with 1 page.
This account will be limited to the 1 page, but you can upgrade at any time to one of our premium accounts to unlock more features and opportunities.
A page is what you build your customer experience on. Page is just short for landing page.
You can deploy your page easily from the platform and add more pages by upgrading to premium.
A deployable page can also have a unique URL, which can be done in the accounts section.
In the dashboard, you will find 'Account' in the top right corner >Drop down. Click 'General'.
e.g. Deploy.Link/yourusername
In the dashboard, you will find 'Account' in the top right corner >Drop down.
Click 'General'.
Here you will see the username and you can create yours e.g. Deploy.Link/yourusername
No! We have build deployable for this very reason.
We want to put technology into the hands of non-technical/non-coders, so anyone can use the platform.
Our platform is drag and drop - so it's extremely simple to use!
Learning how to use the platform is easy and we have tutorials to help as well.
We offer email support for premium customers and FAQ/Community support for free accounts.
Our focus has always been on making technology accessible for non-technical users, which is why our major focus is on adding more widgets for storytelling and gamification onto the platform.
We want to make it easy for our users to build experiences using technology with widgets and tools that traditionally would have required developers to assist in.
This helps you get started and teach you a few of the steps for how the platform works.
You can always change this later, but by completing it in the first stage you will do a 'quick learn' of the deployable platform.
If you want keep the same QR code and link, then you can only name your page once.
Some users will want to have a QR code printed on something and leave it then for long periods of time, so the link and QR code need to remain the same. Changing the name would change the URL and cause issues with live campaigns.
If you want to change the name of a campaign and not continue to use the same link or QR code, then you can delete the page and create a new one.
Enter your dashboard home page and you will see 'Add New' both in the top navigation bard and also down the bottom in the middle of the page. This is how you begin creating your new deployable page.
You will go through a number of steps.
Step 1: General Settings
a. Create campaign name.
Note: Remember that you can't change the name once this page is deployed.
b. Page preview image
This will give your link a thumbnail preview when you send this link to someone or use on social media.
Note: The page will not let you deploy if you do not upload a preview image.
Step 2: Drag & Drop Customisation
a. Choose a template
Choose a template to get the ball rolling or start from a blank canvas. Simply drag and drop the template you want to use into the phone preview to get started.
For a blank canvas, click straight onto widgets.
b. What is 'Save Templates'?
Created a template that you really love and want to use multiple times?
There is a icon at the top right hand corner - An orange folder with a star.
This will let you save the template and use it as many times as you need. Simply start with a blank canvas and drag and drop the template across to the phone preview.
c. Widgets
This is the most exciting part of where our platform is heading.
Widgets allow you to drag and drop in elements to build out your storytelling page.
Simple drag and drop into phone preview, then hover over the widget in the preview page and click 'Edit' to start customising.
The great thing is that you will see this all edit live in the preview phone screen.
Step 3: Google Tag Manager
Integrate Google Tag by ticking the check box to begin.
Copy and paste your Google Tag Manager container ID into the section available.
Why integrate Google Tag Manager?
Allow to collect data into your Google Analytics, as well as Facebook Pixel through integrating through Tag Manager.
Step 4: Design QR Code
Easily customise your QR code you are about to deploy for your deploy link.
Add logo, change colours and choose from two options of QR code designs.
Step 5: Deploy
Simply deploy your page.
The platform will deploy a unique QR code and a unique link for your page.
Note: You can edit your page as many times as required and this will not affect your QR code or link.
Once you drag and drop a widget you can hover over the widget you have placed in the preview area,
then click the cog icon to 'edit'.
You can drag and drop buttons with the widget tool into the preview screen.
Once in the preview, hover over the widget and click 'edit' cog.
You have 3 options to link the button in the drop down menu:
- Redirect: Link to an external URL.
- Go to view: A 'view' is new feature where you can add in multiple pages to your link.
- Open popup: Another new feature to allow a pop up over your main deployable page.
The new version 2 of the platform has allowed users to create pop ups within their deployable page.
You can do this by clicking the '+ popup' button above the phone preview.
This will open up a second screen preview beside the main preview, to allow you to design the pop up separately.
A button will automatically appear on your home page for the pop up you have just created.
You can add as many pop ups as you like.
If you want to create your own buttons using our image option, then simply delete the button linking to your pop up.
This will not delete your pop up, but only the button.
You can delete any popup that you don't want to use anymore, buy selecting the preview and clicking the
'x' located above the popup phone preview.
In our version 2 release, we introduced 'multi view'. This allows users to create multiple pages that stay within the one link and QR code.
To create multiple pages, simple hover over the 'multi view' section at the bottom of the page and press the '+ add' button. This will create a new page immediately.
To edit, simply click on the new multi view page and it will show up in your preview screen.
Our focus has always been on making technology accessible for non-technical users, which is why our major focus is on adding more widgets for storytelling and gamification onto the platform.
We want to make it easy for our users to build experiences using technology with widgets and tools that traditionally would have required developers to assist in.
This is fine and is simple a browser fix.
You can go to the tool bar at the top of your browser> click 'View' > then click 'Zoom Out'.
This will fix the issue of the multi view bar going across your edit section.
You can use a container to bring all your content together into one area of your page and seperate customisation options.
E.g. Create an area on your page that you want to have a seperate background image or break your products up.
Think of it as being able to create seperate sections for different elements you are trying to tell your audience and open up some more branding/customising options.